Sunday, September 27, 2009

Poaching an Egg

This morning I made Oeufs Poches (Poached Eggs). The whole time I was making them I thought about the scene when it took three people to make the poached egg. My dad helped me make the first one and it wasn't the best, but we did pretty well. He helped me with the next two and they were perfect! I did the last two by myself, the first was great and the last was horrible! They tasted a little tasteless, but that is probably because I am use to my dad putting all kinds of seasonings on them, or after making bacon he fries the eggs in the same pan. But the poached eggs tasted great anyways. I forgot to take a picture of them so I am trying to explain what it looked and tasted like. I am not that great at explaining, so everyone was all confused.

I went to a friends house on Friday and slept over so I couldn't make the eggs then. I was really busy on Saturday so I didn't make them that day either. So Sunday morning I made the eggs, and what perfect timing.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

First Failure

Yesterday I made Beurre Au Citron. It is a lemon butter sauce. I think I put too much lemon juice in and it was disgusting! I tried to make it again, but I didn't have any success either. I made fish to go with it and that didn't turn out either. I felt like Julie in the movie when she was laying on the floor crying, but I didn't do that. Instead of the gross food for supper, we went to McDonald's and I had McNuggets. I am just going to move on.....nothing homemade for lunch.

Also I am not going to make any recipes in the Fish chapter, because all of the recipes have wine in them. And I'm not talking about the recipes that boil out the wine.

I hope I will do a better job for the next recipe on Friday.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The first day

Yesterday night was the start of my project. At 8:30 pm, I made Potage Parmentier (Leek and Potato Soup). We were so busy in Mankato and we also had to get the ingredients for the soup, that we got home really late. It took about an hour to make the dish. While I was blending the potatoes, leeks, and water together, my brother Ben saw what it looked like and said it looked like puke! After he said that I did too. I finally tasted it and it tasted like heaven! When we all sat down and Ben tasted it he had about three bowls of the soup. Everyone loved it. I packed the soup I made yesterday for lunch today, because it was so good.

My two other brothers, my dad, and our exchange student, Max, from Germany all went down south by Mississippi to see different bogs for Sam's senior project. His project is about carnivorous plants- like the ones that eat bugs and really move. They left on Saturday and will be back maybe Friday. After we ate, I went on Skype to show my dad what the soup looked like, and to say goodnight. My dad and I are the Chef and Soux Chef of the family, so I wanted to show him my soup.

I am going to made a dish on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I will do this for the rest of the school year. So keep reading....and I will keep writing.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Good Morning!