Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chocolate Bavarian Cream

Last Saturday I made Bavarois au Chocolat. I never new what it really was until I looked it up on the internet. It is kind of like a mousse texture. You can put it in gram cracker crust and make it a pie or put it in between layers of cake. I just ate it out of the bowl. It tasted like coffee more that chocolate, because you added coffee in it.

My dad helped me make it because the directions were confusing, and he is a really good cook. My dad didn't even understand the directions. We totally blew it, but there was a result. It tasted ok, but probably not how it was suppose to taste.

My dad and I had to go in town to get a heavy sauce pan since we didn't have the right one. We also needed a candy thermometer and a fine strainer. We went to Cooks & Company, and we were both in heaven. I feel bad that my dad payed a lot of money when we did the dish wrong. My dad felt bad that the dish didn't turn out even though he helped. I said that this kind of thing happens to me a lot, and that it wasn't his fault.

I hope I nail the next recipe, but it wouldn't hurt if I don't. Better luck next time :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pate Brisee

Yesterday I made a pastry dough called Pate Brisee. I thought it would take a really long time to make but it was surprisingly easy. My friend was over, and I thought it would be fun to make something with her. I have been sick for the past two weeks and I was miserable. Now I am feeling much better, but not great.

When ever my family makes apple pie, we take the leftover crust, put butter,sugar, and cinnamon on top, and bake it. It tastes so good. That is what I kind of did with the Pate Brisee. I made the dough and cut it into strips. I then put the butter, sugar, and cinnamon on top and baked it. Everyone loved it, and there was no leftovers. I ate about ten (I'm exaggerating) and they were so good.

Toon in next time because I am making the delicious Chocolate Bavarian Cream! My mouth is already watering.