Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Final Day of My Project

I showed my creme burlee to my advisor and friends, and they loved it so much that they couldn't stop eating it! I was so happy that I made something that they loved. I feel very appreciated and proud of myself.

I hope to make more recipes soon and keep writing (actually, typing) about them.

~Beth :)

Mushroom Quiche and Creme Brulee

Yesterday, on our day off, I had a friend over and we made a mushroom quiche (my last dish of the school year) and creme brulee again for other people to taste test. I wanted to make my best dish (or favorite) and show it to my advisor, so I picked creme brulee. The consistency wasn't what it should have been last time I made it, so I tried to make it again. I wish I would have kept it in the fridge over night before I caramelized the top, but it is still very good.

As for the mushroom quiche, it turned out really badly. It was all mushy and gooey and gross! I thought it would be like an omelet in pie crust, but it didn't turn out that way, I even cooked it way longer and it didn't do anything. Someone used the cream for my recipe and my dad had to go get some more at the grocery store. I think the recipe went bad when the egg and the sauteed mushroom mix had to sit out until my dad got back. I really wanted it to turn out right because I love quiche.

Today I had to pack up my creme brulee, that was in the fridge, and bring it to school for my advisor to taste test. He still hasn't tasted it yet by my friend, Emily, loves it.

I hope I can still cook from Julia Child's cookbook in the summer. I can't wait until school ends (less than one week until it is over)!

Until next time :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Scrambled Eggs With Cheese

Last Friday, I made Julia Child's scrambled eggs. It said in the recipe book that French scrambled eggs are creamier and a little different than our regular scrambled eggs. The recipe is for about four people, but if someone is really really hungry one person can eat the whole meal.

First you need about eight eggs and then you actually mix in milk, which I have never thought of doing. The milk makes it a lot smoother and creamier. What also makes it melt in your mouth is before you pour the egg mixture in, you coat the bottom of the pan with a lot of butter. Like Julia Child said "you can never have enough butter". Another unique thing that you do is, during the cooking process, you take the pan on and off of the burner and keep mixing it.

I learned a lot of different techniques just by making scrambled eggs, imagine that. For next time I think I am making a mushroom quiche (more eggs); I can't wait!

Until then,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hollandaise Sauce

Last night I made Hollandaise Sauce. It was quite easy and only took about half an hour to make. It tasted a little different that I thought it would, but it was still good. I found out the reason why it tastes so delicious, and it is because there is like a pound of butter in it! At first my problem was that it wasn't thickening up and it took about ten minutes until it did. Then my problem was that it was too thick (like the consistency of pudding). In the recipe book, there was a bunch of things that told you what to do if something happened, like if it was too thick. It said to put one to two tablespoons of water in it or it had a list of other things you could put in it to make it less thick. Then my problem was that it was a little too thin. But I gave up, and my dad said that it was fine the way it was. After all, the sauce was really good. We had it with asparagus, and it was delicious!

For next time I am making the hardest recipe ever. Guess what it is.........Scrambled Eggs! It is like the easiest recipe ever! Ha ha. I can't even believe that the recipe for Scrambled Eggs is in Julia Child's recipe book!

Until next time (hopefully soon)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Cabbage Soup with a side of Garlic Cheese Bread

Yesterday I made "Soupe Aux Choux- Garbure", which is "Main-course Cabbage Soup". It said at the end of the recipe to serve the soup with "Croutes", which is "Hard-toasted French bread" (pretty much garlic bread). At the end of that recipe, it said that you could put cheese on top and make it "Cheese Croutes" (which is pretty much garlic cheese bread).

Around noon, I prepped some of the ingredients, like the potatoes and cabbage for the soup. I also prepped the bread for the garlic cheese bread. I knew that the soup would take a while to make so I wanted to get some of the ingredients ready. Around 6:30 pm, I started to make the soup. It was surprisingly easy to make, and very delicious. To make the soup, you pretty much just put all of the ingredients into the pot and let it simmer for about two hours.

About half an hour before the soup was done, I started to toast the French bread in the oven. Half way through the toasting, I basted the bread with some olive oil. When it was done toasting, I rubbed the bread with garlic and then put it back in the oven to melt the cheese that I put on top. The garlic cheese bread tasted so good when it was done!

At 9:45 pm I finally got to taste my amazing cabbage soup with a side of garlic cheese bread. I can't wait to have it for lunch at school today.

'Till next time

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Sorry I haven't been cooking for a while. I just got my appendix out on February 28th and got out of the hospital on March 1st. It was terrible and it hurt so bad! Hopefully I will make some soup and cheese bread for supper tonight. I also hope it will turn out right.

Until then

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Vegetables Cooked in Aromatic Broth/ and Creme Brulee

On Monday I made vegetables cooked in aromatic broth. It was actually quite disgusting. I think I did it right, but I might have done it wrong. I didn't even taste it because it smelled so bad. I just took a picture of it for the final product.

That same day I started but didn't finish my amazing Creme Brulee. I was so excited because it seemed so easy, which it was. I think, or know, that I didn't cook the creme enough. I think, or know, that because when I put it in the fridge for about three and a half hours, it still was liquidy. That is why this dish didn't finish that same day. In the morning I put the brown sugar on the top and my dad got his torch out and melted the sugar. It was perfect on the top, but gooey underneath. It still tasted amazing, but I wish that I would have cooked it longer so it would have been perfect. I will probably make this dish again, because it was so good.

(I am so sorry if you have been waiting for me to blog for a while. I was so busy that I couldn't even log my time for cooking all of these things.)

'Till then~ Beth:)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Julia Child's famous Boeuf Bourguignon

Today I made Boeuf Bourguignon. It is a beef stew in red wine, with bacon, onions, and mushrooms. It took around five and a half hours! That....is a long time. My dad assisted me with a few things so the time would go a bit quicker.

I first had to cook the bacon and saute the beef chunks. (As I was drying the beef in the paper towel, I felt like Julie Powell because she was doing that in the movie.) Then I put it in a big pot and cooked it for a while. After that I poured the red wine, herbs, and beef stock in the pot and cooked it for about two to three hours more. (I remember in the movie when she poured the wine in the pot, it sizzled and some splattered on her cookbook. But when I poured it in nothing really happened, and I felt a little sad.) While it was cooking, I sauteed some mushrooms and some small white onions which will be the garnish at the end. Then I took out the stew and plated it. I put the mushrooms and the onions on top.
(I remember that she fell asleep before the timer went off and it burned. When she tried again the lady that was about to come over canceled.)

My family loved it, and they were stuffed. (I also remember that Julie's husband put salt on the dish, and she asked if it was bland. I was happy that everybody in my family loved it just the way it was.) I couldn't believe we had leftovers! I will probably bring the leftovers to school so my friends can taste it. They have been begging me to make Boeuf Bourguignon and bring some to school. I hope they like it, just like I did!

~Till next time~

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


On December 12, I made Artichauts Au Naturel. I am sorry that I didn't make Boeuf Bourguignon, I just wanted to make something a little easier. On that day, I was at a friend's house. Her family loves to make, and especially eat, artichokes, so I made this recipe at her house.

The recipe is so complicated but it is actually really easy. You just boil water and put the artichokes in for about an hour and they should be done. The recipe has a little more to it, but that is pretty much it.

The best part of this recipe is eating it! You douse the leaf in melted butter or salt, and it tastes amazing! I love in the book where it tells you how to eat it, it is funny. I already know how to eat an artichoke, but I wanted to read it anyway.

It said "If you have never eaten an artichoke before, here is how you go about it. Pull of a leaf and hold its tip in your fingers. Dip the bottom of the leaf in melted butter or one of the sauces farther on. Then scrape off its tender flesh between your teeth. When you have gone through all the leaves, you will come to the heart, which you eat with a knife and fork after you have scraped off and discarded the choke or hairy center growth."

I think it is a funny way how to tell someone how to eat an artichoke...giggle. I had a fun time making this recipe, and it was truly delicious. 'Till next time~Beth

Monday, November 9, 2009

Poulet Roti

Yesterday I made Poulet Roti, which is Roast Chicken. I thought it would be difficult but it was very easy. You just have to stay in the kitchen most of the time. My dad helped me with the disgusting things, like cleaning out the insides of the chicken and rubbing butter inside it. Ewwww. The only hard part was turning the chicken on it's sides. I had to use two big serving forks and stick them in the sides of the chicken to turn it over.

When the chicken came out of the oven, it looked so delicious. We made a gravy out of the fat in the pan for some mashed potatoes too. Everyone loved the meal I made! It was so good that I thought I didn't even make it.

I can't wait to make Boeuf Bourguignon next time!