Monday, January 11, 2010

Julia Child's famous Boeuf Bourguignon

Today I made Boeuf Bourguignon. It is a beef stew in red wine, with bacon, onions, and mushrooms. It took around five and a half hours! a long time. My dad assisted me with a few things so the time would go a bit quicker.

I first had to cook the bacon and saute the beef chunks. (As I was drying the beef in the paper towel, I felt like Julie Powell because she was doing that in the movie.) Then I put it in a big pot and cooked it for a while. After that I poured the red wine, herbs, and beef stock in the pot and cooked it for about two to three hours more. (I remember in the movie when she poured the wine in the pot, it sizzled and some splattered on her cookbook. But when I poured it in nothing really happened, and I felt a little sad.) While it was cooking, I sauteed some mushrooms and some small white onions which will be the garnish at the end. Then I took out the stew and plated it. I put the mushrooms and the onions on top.
(I remember that she fell asleep before the timer went off and it burned. When she tried again the lady that was about to come over canceled.)

My family loved it, and they were stuffed. (I also remember that Julie's husband put salt on the dish, and she asked if it was bland. I was happy that everybody in my family loved it just the way it was.) I couldn't believe we had leftovers! I will probably bring the leftovers to school so my friends can taste it. They have been begging me to make Boeuf Bourguignon and bring some to school. I hope they like it, just like I did!

~Till next time~


  1. It was sooooooo yummy!!!!!!

  2. That sounds AWESOME!! I wish I could have tried some!

  3. Hey Beth,
    I found your blog though one of your comments on Julie Powell's blog and was very happy about it. I will try to follow your blog. I was wondering if the Julie & Julia story had inspired other people than just me to start a similar project, I was sure there must be at least a few people... you're the first one I found... I have also started a similar project: I am going to cook through one of my cookbooks within one year and I am writing about it on (the guy who wrote it is a famous TV cook here in Germany). It's in German, obviously, but I also upload pictures of each dish. Do you know of any other people who got so inspired by Julie's project the way we did?
    Good luck with your cooking project!
    Cheers and greetings from Bremen,

  4. Hey! This is awesome that you are also doing a project like I am, and that you live in Germany. I can't even explain how excited I am to have a comment form someone I don't know. (I feel like Julie when she is at work, and the lady sitting next to her do a high five thing from all of the comments that she got.) I will definitely check out your blog site too. I don't think I know any other people that were inspired, but I wish I would have. I was wondering how old you are. I hope we can write to each other some more.


  5. Hi Beth,

    I'm glad I have someone I don't know checking out my blog ;-)
    I am actually going to turn 30 this year in May. So I'm pretty much in a similar situation as Julie was when she started cooking and blogging. Only that I don't want to get away from my current job or be a professional writer.
    And what's the deal with your school project? How come you get to do such cool stuff for school? Which class is it for?


  6. Hi Anna,
    That is really cool!

    I go to a project based charter school from 6th grade through 12th grade. It is kind of like a really long science fair but you can do more than just one project. I love to cook, and the movie inspired me so much, that I wanted to do a project just like Julie did. We also have math time and reading. For Phy Ed we go outside and play soccer or something like that, or (in the winter) we go to the Community Center and ice skate or play basketball. So our school is kind of normal.


  7. Hey Beth,
    so what is your plan in this project? You mentioned that you will not cook all the recipes, but how do you chose the ones you make? And what is your timeframe? Do you also have some kind of deadline? Of all the food blogs I found there are none with a deadline and noone's worrying about being in time... but I am, so I wonder what you feel like about that?!?
    P.S.: When are you going to cook your next dish? I am waiting curiously ;-)

  8. Hey Anna,

    I choose which recipe to make, by doing one recipe in each section (like soup, meat, desserts...) and move on to the next section. My deadline is at the end of the school year, which for me is on June 4th. I will probably end it sooner because the last week of school is just cleaning and finalizing projects. For my project I am just trying to make as many recipes as I can in my busy schedule. I am trying to make one at least once a week.

    I think it is a great thing that you are trying to get everything done, and be in time. I totally respect that, but I have a lot of other project to do and I don't want to be stressed out, so I am just trying to do as many as I can right now.

    I am probably going to cook my next dish in the beginning of this week (like Tuesday or something).

    ~Beth :P

  9. Beth,

    I wish i had the courage to do what you do! I tried to cook dinner and nearly burnt the house down. Amazingly, my parents still let me near the stove. It seems so delicious and wonderful at the same time.

    While you cook away, I am trying to be like Nellie Bly and try to see how the public reacts to a (fake) blog about a 13 yr old girl called ALEX MALEGA. I'm going to put up ads across the internet for people to watch her site.

    im just getting started with this, so its gonna take a while. i actually stumbled across your webpage while looking for the real blog of julie powell. Do u know where it is? I'm follin u!!!!!

  10. Quaddy Ann,

    That is so cool, and I will most definitely check out your blog! (And that makes me feel good that you said I have courage.) When you wrote that you almost burnt down your house, I giggled inside:)

    I was wondering how old you are, and where do you live?

    If you want to find Julie Powell's blog it is called "What Could Happen".

  11. MMMMM....yum! I was one of the lucky ones who got to try it and was very good! Well done Beth, Well done.

  12. Thanks so much Elizabeth! I really appreciate it.

    ~Beth :P

  13. So what are you making next or was that all because I enjoy hearing about your food! (and tasting it!!!)

  14. See above...(even though I already told you) haha!
