Tuesday, December 29, 2009


On December 12, I made Artichauts Au Naturel. I am sorry that I didn't make Boeuf Bourguignon, I just wanted to make something a little easier. On that day, I was at a friend's house. Her family loves to make, and especially eat, artichokes, so I made this recipe at her house.

The recipe is so complicated but it is actually really easy. You just boil water and put the artichokes in for about an hour and they should be done. The recipe has a little more to it, but that is pretty much it.

The best part of this recipe is eating it! You douse the leaf in melted butter or salt, and it tastes amazing! I love in the book where it tells you how to eat it, it is funny. I already know how to eat an artichoke, but I wanted to read it anyway.

It said "If you have never eaten an artichoke before, here is how you go about it. Pull of a leaf and hold its tip in your fingers. Dip the bottom of the leaf in melted butter or one of the sauces farther on. Then scrape off its tender flesh between your teeth. When you have gone through all the leaves, you will come to the heart, which you eat with a knife and fork after you have scraped off and discarded the choke or hairy center growth."

I think it is a funny way how to tell someone how to eat an artichoke...giggle. I had a fun time making this recipe, and it was truly delicious. 'Till next time~Beth